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How are metal sidings installed?

作者:DWL 发布时间:2022-05-25 14:00点击:

How are metal sidings installed?

Metal Sidings are easy and quick to install. From practical experience, installing 600 m2 of Metal Sidings takes approximately 8 hours for a proficient construction crew.


The steps to install wall and roof Metal Sidings are as follows:


1. The construction materials are delivered to the site: the delivery includes Metal Sidings, the subframe components (cold-formed shapes), and accessories (including flashing, fasteners, gaskets, seals, etc.). Powerson Metal can provide all the components required to complete the installation process.

2. The materials delivered by the carrier are unloaded with construction handling equipment.

3. The subframes are assembled, and installed with beams, posts and purlins.

4. The protective film is removed from the Metal Sidings.

5. The Metal Sidings are fastened to the subframe structural members using suitable fasteners.

6. The joints between the Metal Sidings are sealed and the flashing is installed.


How many screws do I need to fasten a Metal Siding? This is the most common question from customers at the project preparation stage. A rough estimate is 1.1 fasteners per square metre of Metal Sidings. The actual number, spacing and layout depend on the decision of the project design engineer and/or the construction material supplier.

DWL is an enterprise dedicated to the production and sales of metal siding with more than 8 years of experience, mainly engaged in various metal siding types. Welcome everyone to come and buy.

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