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Exterior wall insulation decorative board construction prepa

作者:DWL 发布时间:2022-05-07 14:45点击:

Exterior wall insulation decorative board construction preparation control points

Building energy saving is the key area of energy saving and emission reduction, wall insulation is an important part of building energy conservation, the traditional exterior wall using insulation and decorative integrated board design, compared with ordinary houses can reduce energy consumption by 35%. Today, a brief introduction to the construction process how to control the quality of high-rise building exterior wall insulation panels. Exterior wall insulation decorative board construction preparation and control points:

1: Select the construction team Human factors usually play a decisive role in the quality of the building. Because as a product, the current construction project is still based on human operation, so it is necessary to carefully examine and compare the capacity of the construction operation team, especially the construction workers involved in the construction of the exterior wall insulation decorative panels of the quality is uneven. At present, most of the construction market is no professional training and construction experience of the "guerrillas", their technical level is not only poor, but also no safety awareness, if the team entered the construction site, will bring great hidden dangers to the construction quality and safety of the project. Therefore, in the selection of external wall insulation construction personnel must be careful, choose a professional and technical training and construction experience of the fixed operation team to develop the exterior wall insulation decorative panels, to sign high-quality, high-price contracts, high-quality construction team not only has an important impact on the quality of the project, but also in the overall project management and safety also plays an important role.   

2: Construction table handover To carry out a careful inspection of the outer wall of the completed project body, and to prepare for the handover process, the examination work is very important in the construction preparation, in the inspection process, should carefully check the verticality and plane of the outer wall, the hollowing of the plaster layer, the deviation of the horizontal line, the opening size of the window and the reserved opening. If you are not satisfied with the installation requirements of the exterior wall insulation panel, will not be handed over, in writing to report the main construction units, and carry out rectification and treatment, and make a good record. After all the corrective treatments have met the requirements, the construction of the exterior wall insulation trim panels can be carried out.   

3: Design plan control Typically, the exterior wall design in a construction drawing is a simple indication that the specific exterior insulation panel structure must be based on the elevation map, and then draw a detailed vertical mesh diagram, and powerful professional workers will actually measure and record the building entity in both sections and aspects. Determine the size of the exterior mesh based on the recorded data.   In the design process, in order to be simple and beautiful, the overall surface mesh should be uniform, not too small or too large, as far as possible to maintain the original design of the appearance of the same effect.


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