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Decorative Insulation board construction needs to pay attent

作者:DWL 发布时间:2021-10-15 11:06点击:

 Decorative Insulation Board Construction Needs To Pay AttentIion

Decorative insulation board is one of the most widely used boards in the building materials insulation materials market, this kind of decorative insulation board is mainly composed of galvanized plate and composite insulation materials mixed processing. The insulation wall decoration system is composed of fluorocarbon spray aluminum alloy finish layer, core insulation layer and aluminum alloy reinforcing layer, which is formed by special composite process. By the National Building Quality Inspection Center testing, bonding strength of 0.64MPa, combined with fastening and decorative plate itself has the characteristics, so that the whole system is safe and reliable. Not only in terms of insulation performance can, but also a change in the monotony of traditional insulation board, in the exterior furniture also has a good aesthetic.

decorative insulation board

Decorative insulation board in the construction of more convenient and fast, generally using dry construction technology, to meet people's decoration and energy-saving needs. Decoration insulation integrated board in the installation of the base is required, in the decoration insulation integrated board before installation to ensure that the base no dust, no cracking, at the same time to smooth the surface of the Yang Angle vertical; The wall of basic level should choose special mortar to adjust.

decorative insulation board

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